For a pinup girl, hair is everything! Top off your rockabilly or sexy pin up girl pose with the perfect pin up hairstyles.
We all know how important hairstyle is. Hairstyle makes us get up earlier in the morning, hairstyle improves our total style and makes our looks defined. Pin up style in fact really depends on the shape and color of your hair. As opposed to the plain modern hairstyles, boring and non creative, there is a whole world of unusual, retro, rocking and shocking ways to make your hair look awesome. There is no unambiguous definition of a pin up hairstyle, but you surely recognize it when you see it. So, let’s check some basic pin up hair characteristics.
1. The magic of blonde hair
Marilyn Monroe – enough said. She is maybe the best explanation how pin up style works on blonde girls. Make it short and curly – it’s a pin up hairstyle in its finest light. What’s most important, blonde hair is great for highlighting the makeup. Flaming red lipstick and black shadow or eyeliner are a pretty good choice with this hairstyle.

2. Dangerous dark hair
Black or other dark shade is also very convenient for emphasizing strong makeup. But pin up hairstyles for dark haired girls ususally require longer hair. You can definitely do a lot with it, for example – you can add some hair accessories, like vintage ribbons or colorful flowers. Here are some suggestions for you. It’s important to make a contrast, so choose something light. Curly details are also desirable.

3. Flaming red shades
Red shades give you amazing options for pin up hairstyles. Red is the color of passion and it doesn’t matter will you tie it or let it be as it is. Red often becomes washed and reveals your natural color, but you can make it an advantage – try out some detailed hairstyles with a lot of curles, you know – old Hollywood hairstyles. The effect is awesomely shaded hair art.

4. The craziest shades on Earth
Blue, pink, green, why not? Now, you have no rules when it comes to this. Wheather you choose one or ten colors, just be creative and show the world how crazy pin up haistyles can be. This is when pin up goes into rockabilly and punk and overcomes all the style conventions.

5. Special mention – fringes
Big and unusual fringes are one of the best known symbols related to the pin up hairstyles. Curly or not, in every color, they make every hairstyle extraordinary. You can also combine them with different hair accessories. It takes time to make a fringe look perfect, but don’t give up this challenge. All the good things require bigger effort and this one is totaly worthy of getting up earlier in the morning.

Finally, hairstyle is just one part of the pin up image. To make this detail look perfect, you’ll need a perfect outfit and on this page you can find an interesting dress. To find a perfect bag, visit us here. Of course, you also need a perfect attitude and we’re sure you can find it within you. Enjoy the wonderful retro world and wear your pin up hairstyle as it was a crown.