Don’t you love 1950’s parties? Make your next cocktail party a rockabilly one by indulging in some of these 1950s cocktails (including virgin drinks!)

When you think of 1950s cocktails you no doubt think of a handsome man donning a handsome suit, and women in sexy rockabilly wiggle dresses and curly hair sharing a classy drink on a moonlit patio.
However, if Mad Men and hilarious 1950’s ads have taught us anything, it’s that those in the rockabilly 50’s and 60’s loved a good drink! In fact, they loved a good drink at work, at home, with breakfast, on their lunch break… Heck, they probably even liked a drink while they brushed their teeth in the morning!
While we’re not inviting you to become a 1950’s wino, we’re definitely suggesting your next cocktail party be rockabilly themed… and we have all the recipes you’ll need for the perfect rockabilly drinks. Here are some classic, vintage, 1950s cocktails and virgin drink recipes to get your party started!
Gin was huge in the 1950’s, making this liquor a big helper in the world of fantastic cocktails.
5 cl Cognac
2 cl lemon juice
2 cl Triple Sec
Fill a cocktail shaker with ice cubes and then fill with wet ingredients. Cover and shake for 20-30 seconds. Your drink should be cold, frosty, and garnished with a lemon wedge!
3oz Gin
2 oz Lemon juice
1 oz Simple Syrup
Club soda
Try another gin inspired 1950s cocktail with the classic Tom Collins drink. Simply mix all of the ingredients together in a tall glass, garnish with a cherry and fresh lemons… and enjoy feeling like a super sleek and sexy Mad Man.
In the mood for something a little more refreshing? This summer 1950s cocktail is perfect for those hot summer days. Make a glass by combining 10 mint leaves (more or less, depending on personal preference), 1/2 cup of crushed ice, 2 1/2 fluid ounces of bourbon whiskey and mash ingredients together to bring out the flavors. Top with another 1/2 cup of crushed ice for one of the most refreshing the drink of the summer!
2 fl. oz. gin
1/2 fl. oz. Triple Sec
1/4 fl. oz. Benedictine liqueur
1/2 fl. oz. Cherry liqueur
1/2 fl. oz. lime juice
2 fl. oz. pineapple Juice
1 dash bitters
1 fl. oz. soda water
The Singapore sling is another great 1950’s summer cocktail that can easily be made virgin by excluding all of the booze. What you’ll be left with is a fantastically fruity punch. In the meantime, for those with more adult tastes, here is how you mix a Singapore sling. Combine all ingredients into shaker filled with ice. Shake, strain, and enjoy.
3/4 oz creme de noyaux
3/4 oz white creme de cacao
1 1/2 oz heavy cream
Welcome to the yummiest drinks to ever done the color pink. This cocktail was the Sex and the Citdrink of the 1950’s. Simple mix all ingredients into an ice filled cocktail shaker and strain into fabulous martini glass. Garnish with cherries and enjoy. (Psst… if you want a real treat, skip out on the heavy cream and go for a GIANT scoop of vanilla ice cream instead!)
1 1/2 oz gin
1 oz orange juice
1/2 tsp grenadine syrup
1 oz lemon juice
Want a simple but delicious drink to fill your rockabilly party with cheers? How about the Gin and Sin? This cocktail couldn’t be simpler to prepare. Fill a shaker full of ice and combine ingredients. Shake, serve, and enjoy this incredibly refreshing 1950s cocktail!
Enjoy your 1950s cocktails amidst rockabilly boys, pinup girls and a ton of rockabilly decor at punkabilly clothing for pretty much the best party, like ever.